
Don’t Fall For This Pet Scam
Don’t Fall For This Pet Scam
Don’t Fall For This Pet Scam
The perpetrator will try to arrange for the victim to get the animal through a sort of delivery service. Officials claim that these scammers also set up a fake delivery service and demanded more and more money from the victim.
SCAM ALERT: Iowa Department of Public Safety Issues Warning For “Grandkid” Scam
SCAM ALERT: Iowa Department of Public Safety Issues Warning For “Grandkid” Scam
SCAM ALERT: Iowa Department of Public Safety Issues Warning For “Grandkid” Scam
The Iowa Department of Public Safety just released a warning for a specific type of scam that targets the elderly, specifically grandparents. Officials at Iowa DPS say that while this is a new warning, the scam itself is not new. It has been gradually growing in popularity since 2008, but recent reports say "it is presenting a new twist."